Dissecting Indian Matchbox Label Type
The present-day Indian matchboxes have a predominant typographic appearance which juxtaposes the image inside a central container that achieves the focus of attention.
Gist of the discourse:
-A short background of Indian matchbox industry and a brief discussion on how popular visual culture affects the civilization in India.
-The factors that govern the decision of endorsing a particular motif or a symbol and ways in which typography supports the brand image.
-Discussion will transform quickly into the design history of layouts - focussing on typefaces and font styles.
-Defining styles & Categorizing archetypal layouts viz., Cartouche style, double oval style, excelsior style decorative cartouche, borders.
-Transformation of typography on labels from early matchbox labels to contemporary era in India.
-Font Formulas applied to match labels make the consumer good attractive.
-The GUI software like Photoshop and Corel draw that introduced scaling and warping the fonts, soon favourably engulfed the graphic art discipline and thus bringing substantial changes in the imagery.
-Are Indian Match designs are good designs in the typographic context?
-Archetypes, Prototypes and copyright issues.