Over the years, I never paid too much attention to my love for typography until my friends and colleagues began coming to me to identify typefaces and for advice on their type choices, decks and documents. Was I an authority on typography?
So finally, in the summer of 2018, almost as a joke, I sent out the first unofficial issue of tiptoptypetips— a single-page PDF email attachment sent to 10 of my most non-judgemental friends.
The general feedback was that the newsletter needed to be more actionable and less heavy with content.
So, I got to work— learnt to code my first newsletter with HTML, design and build a landing page. And I sent out the first official newsletter— 3 byte-sized tips in an issue, delivering recommendations, resources and articles curated and collected in a light-hearted read.
Over a dozen issues, 1500 subscribers across the world, an extended-hiatus and world of learnings later, I'm launching tiptoptypetips.com— an online publication for typographers, designers, enthusiasts (or anyone really) to understand, appreciate and use typography better. tttt 2.0 will house the newsletter, resources, a blog and most importantly, a community to discuss, ask, collaborate and learn type with like-minded type enthusiasts, designers and typographers, from around the world.
Through my talk, I hope to share my experience with tttt— the what, why, who and how, my learnings through running and growing the newsletter and the way ahead with tttt 2.0.