María Cecilia Brarda has graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, in Santa Fe, Argentina, with a degree in Visual Communication Design. She completed a Master's Degree in Typography, Disciplines and Uses at the University of Barcelona. Cecilia has been working as freelance designer in motion graphics for 10 years now. Since 2016, she is collaborating on type in motion projects with TypeTogether.
She has also published the book "Motion Graphics Design, the creative direction in TV branding” with the Gustavo Gili Publishing House in Barcelona. Additionally Cecilia is a teacher-researcher. She is Head of Practical Works in Graphic Communication and Morphology since 2007, and teaches Postgraduate courses: “Type in motion. The audiovisual typographic narration”(2019),“Motion Graphics Design. From graphic design to moving design”