Michelle Devlin is a Graphic Designer & Artist currently based in Poughkeepsie, NY, U.S.A. They recently started a small, creative studio named Bird Fang whose name spins off a street name they grew up on, Biradan Fahang, located on the island of Guam, a U.S. territory. Michelle moved from the island of Guam to New York in 2010, then attended the Rhode Island School of Design in 2014 to study Graphic Design with a concentration in History + Philosophy + Social Sciences. At RISD, they experienced a rigorous environment where they grew an affinity for Type Design. Currently, Michelle volunteers with the Barrett Art Center, studies entrepreneurship through an online Wharton School course, received a scholarship to attend the Letterform Archive's IMTD Fall 2020 workshop, and was invited to be an Artist-in-Residence with TUOTUO Arts in Finland. They currently live with family.